“Until the introduction of commercial yeast about 200 years ago, people had baked with sourdough for thousands of years. The slow fermentation of a true sourdough makes grains more digestible, boosts nutrition and produces delicious real bread. But you’ll need to make a starter before you can make the bread.”


An excerpt from the Zero Waste Chef, my inspiration for making my own sourdough starter baby. Thank you!


Dominique, DLCS sourdough starter inspired by the Zero Waste Chef - the making of
Dominique, DLCS sourdough starter inspired by the Zero Waste Chef – the making of


Have a look at the Zero waste chef’s detailed instructions on starting a starter HERE.


Dominique, DLCS sourdough starter inspired by the Zero Waste Chef
Dominique, DLCS sourdough starter inspired by the Zero Waste Chef

Dominique. Born 13-10-2018. 


Fingers crossed! It will take about 5-7 days to find out if she’s viable.